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  • Mónica Cruz

A testimonial about Reiki and its benefits in a ME (multiple sclerosis) case

After a short but intense time of significantly health issues, my daughter was diagnosed with MS, I decided to connect Monica, my dear friend, knowing that she is a reiki master. Me and my daughter were in a very stressful and almost depressive mood and we needed someone to give us again hope, energy and relief .

After Monica had these sessions for us we both started to feel much much better. The lost energy we had came back and the health issues were under control. Our mood immediately improved and we were facing life again in a most positive way.

Monica is such a gifted person and knows exactly what she is doing.Besides being professional she is a great human being with an open spirit and a wonderful soul. I can only recommend to ask her for help. You will experience something unique. You will find again inner peace,will feel for sure healther than before and will get back ur lost energy.

Trust her,believe strongly that she wants and will help you and you will see the great results.

Elisa Papa,

Katerina, Greece

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Otro testimonio sobre el Reiki!

Querida Mónica: Te agradezco profundamente que me hayas iniciado en el mundo del reiki. Ha sido para mí una experiencia maravillosa y considero que te cambia la vida para bien. A veces una se olvida d

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